Ag Rud, PhD
Distinguished Professor
Washington State University
A.G. Rud is internationally known for his expertise in the philosophical dimensions of education. His research focuses on the cultural foundations of education, with particular emphasis on the moral dimensions of teacher education, P-12 educational leadership, and higher education. Dr. Rud is widely published in his field. He is the author of Albert Schweitzer’s Legacy for Education. He co-edited Teaching with Reverence: Reviving an Ancient Virtue for Today’s Schools and John Dewey at 150: Reflections for a New Century. Rud has an AB cum laude in religion from Dartmouth College and an MA and PhD in philosophy from Northwestern University.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

There are 22 fields represented in the Interprofessional Educators Collaborative; of these, 21 are human medical fields, and only one represents veterinary medicine. Owing to this disparity, interprofessional education (IPE) is often used to describe learning that occurs between fields of human medicine, but rarely crosses the species divide. Responding to the importance of the Summit theme, Navigating Complexity to Advance Outcomes, One Health Day challenges the status quo and dives into addressing the complexity of the species divide in not just IPE but in the health sciences as a whole, by…