Adrienne Willard, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Drexel University
Adrienne Willard, MD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine and serves as a medical education leader for the pre-clinical curriculum teaching the art of clinical skills and clinical reasoning. Dr. Willard is a practicing internist with expertise in building therapeutic relationships with patients and motivating behavioral change. In her current roles, she seeks to find a balance between providing excellent primary care and igniting a passion for patient care in medical students. She has extensive experience creating, implementing, and assessing clinical skills activities including those in the IPE sphere.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The purpose of this lightning talk is to highlight the creation, implementation, and assessment of a multi-university interprofessional education (IPE) experience which involved medicine, nursing, and pharmacy students. This education experience used IPE as a pedagogical approach to intersect ethical principles and communication strategies on healthcare provider (HCP) substance use disorder (SUD). Since the need for IPE is well-established in the scholarly literature and is an accreditation requirement in all three professional programs; it was an ideal approach to address the necessary…