Professional Poster

Teaching and Implementing Active Listening to Bridge Racial Disparities Between Patients and Healthcare Providers

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Effective communicationracial disparitiesactive listening

Teaching and Implementing Active Listening to Bridge Racial Disparities between Patients and Healthcare Providers

Racial disparities in healthcare persist, often due to communication gaps between patients and providers. Patients of marginalized racial backgrounds frequently report feeling unheard or misunderstood, leading to mistrust, decreased satisfaction, and poorer health outcomes. Active listening—defined as a structured approach to listening that involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and then remembering what is being said—has the potential to bridge these gaps. This project aims to explore how teaching and implementing active listening practices can reduce racial disparities in healthcare, improve patient-provider relationships, and enhance overall care outcomes.

The poster will provide research and information on the importance of active listening in healthcare settings. It will provide a breakdown regarding the problems of poor communication between patients and healthcare providers in communities of color and the methodology of implementing active listening.

The results will demonstrate the outcomes between patients and healthcare providers when effective communication is implemented through trained and skilled listening techniques.

The implementation of active listening training for healthcare providers appears to be a promising strategy to reduce racial disparities in healthcare. The improvements in communication lead to better patient-provider relationships and increased patient satisfaction, which are critical components of effective healthcare delivery. Continued focus on training providers in active listening could have long-term benefits for reducing healthcare disparities.

Reflections/Lessons Learned/Implications:
This project will highlight the importance of structured communication training in healthcare. Active listening is not just a soft skill but a critical component of delivering equitable care. This approach could serve as a model for other institutions aiming to address racial disparities in healthcare.

Priority Criteria Fulfillment:
This poster aligns with the priority criteria by addressing a critical issue—racial disparities in healthcare—and providing a practical, evidence-based solution through active listening training. The project’s design, results, and reflections offer valuable insights for healthcare providers and institutions committed to improving health equity.