Professional Poster

Interprofessional Mentoring Program Expanding Undergraduate Students Career Path

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In conjunction with the Office of Interprofessional Education, the Campbell Healer Collaborative(CHC) developed the EmpowerU Mentoring Program. The goal of the program is to empower undergraduate students with the knowledge of each healthcare specialty at Campbell University so that they may make informed decisions on future career paths of interest and form a competitive application while working with student mentors from within the healthcare programs. EmpowerU is a mentoring program created by and led by health professions students, for undergraduate students. Through this student-led mentoring program, undergraduate students connect with current healthcare students to broaden their networks and volunteer experience, while also providing participants the opportunity to learn more about their field of interest, school of choice, and faculty and staff within the respective health profession program.
The EmpowerU Mentoring Program encompassed four sessions, one each quarter throughout the school year. Each meeting had specific agendas and objectives. The first meeting was a networking event that consisted of a mocktail meet and greet in which undergraduate students met the executive board of the CHC, as well as healthcare student mentors. Following this programming opportunity, undergraduate participants were paired with a mentor from their healthcare program of interest. The second event provided a student panel for participants to hear from a selection of healthcare programs. Also, as part of this session, participants completed a professional development class on creating a Curriculum Vitae. At the third session, participants were divided into different groups based upon their program of interest, and afforded the opportunity to learn more through a student panel specific to their program of interest. Additionally at this session, participants were given helpful tips surrounding the application process of the respective program of interest, as well as a final development session on personal statement writing. The final session provided a celebratory banquet marking the completion of the year and the undergraduate students commitment to the EmpowerU Mentoring Program. Student participants are encouraged to continue with the EmpowerU program throughout their undergraduate career in order to further network, gain volunteer and healthcare experience, develop their professional and interprofessional communication skills, and foster a mindset of teamwork that will be reflected in their future healthcare profession of choice.