Professional Poster

Developing Strategic Leadership for Administration of Multi-campus IPE Initiatives with AIHC Mentorship.

New to IPE
strategic planningorganizational structureleadership

Background: Texas Woman's University had IPE activities but no unifying structure until the appointment of an Associate Dean in 2022 who sought mentorship through the AY23 AIHC/National Center Mentorship Program. Our Mentor/Mentee Agreement addressed the following foci: 1) develop organizational leadership and administration of TWU’s interprofessional educational infrastructure, 2) lead sustainable expansion of interprofessional education curriculum for TWU learners, 3) Establish fiscal sustainability for the IPE Program.
Methodology: We used a Transformational Leadership organizational methodology. IPE stakeholders were engaged in a structured visioning process to draft mission and values statements which then drove the initial committee and budgeting structure. SWOT analysis assisted with strategic planning.
Results: Foci #1 infrastructure was approached by developing campus-based committee structures led by experienced IPE faculty with sub-budgetary autonomy and on-site, in-time mentoring. Committees included a steering committee, campus-based committees and a teaching excellence committee charged with developing evidence-informed training modules and credentialing forms to guide faculty in rigorous IPE planning and implementation. Infrastructure development included adding staff support to assist in data collection including an assessment of faculty led IPE activities and dissemination. Communication includes a monthly “IPE Update” newsletter, website, and library subject guide. Future projects include additional faculty training on pre- and debriefing and measurement, dissemination support, development of a dashboard, gatherings to engage potential IP partners, and contextual analysis of each campus and external partnerships. Foci #2 utilized IPEC Institute participation in campus groups to engage in curricular analysis of health science and nursing programs alongside curriculum revision in nursing and PT. We will include our new IPE student organization in planning, implementing, and evaluating IPE. The development of dashboard and Google Classroom training site will support ongoing faculty development and dissemination of outcomes. To address Foci #3, we are preparing focused grant applications for both simulation and client-centered learning activities.
Conclusion: The AIHC Mentorship Agreement provided actionable structure to focus projects addressing the background issue. Good progress has been made towards our goals; identified future projects will require time and person-power to sustain growth.
Reflections: TWU faculty seem pleased with new administrative support and structure and continue to need training in rigorous IPE development and dissemination, curriculum analyses for additional internal IPE, and budgetary support.
Priority criteria: The first aim of our mentoring agreement focused on structure to support faculty development and offer leadership opportunities through trainings, committee participation and leadership including campus-based leadership, strategic planning, and fostering teaching excellence.