Vani Patterson, MPH
Administrative Director
University of Michigan
Vani Patterson, MPH, is the Administrative Director for the University of Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education (CIPE). Her early career spanned working in the U.S Senate to community nutrition in Detroit. When she returned to the University of Michigan, she provided consultation to health care teams across the country to improve patient-centered care for adolescents. In witnessing the profound impact of collaborative care, Ms. Patterson was drawn to the work of the CIPE. Her current interests are in leadership and culture change to transform practice and education to enable collaborative care and advance the quintuple aims of health.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

A shared experience among institutions advancing IPE is the challenge of developing, implementing and scaling meaningful experiential IPE. The collaborators on this seminar confirm the usual reasons for this issue that have been widely described (Brandt, 2015). However, an additional common observation is the striking paucity of ubiquitous models of interprofessional team-based care across the practice and community settings where health professional learners rotate. Adding to this challenge is the operational difficulties facing practice and health systems, especially after the pandemic.…