Vanessa Padron, MSW
Simulation Coordinator
University of Oklahoma
Vanessa Padron, MSW is the IPE Simulation Coordinator for OUHSC Office of Interdisciplinary Programs. She facilitates hundreds of students annually in interprofessional collaboration, guiding them through team-based simulations covering content related to populations, access to health, and team delivery of care. These exercises offer invaluable learning experiences helping them prepare for real-world challenges in healthcare. Vanessa uses her expertise as a Social Worker to facilitate experiences and enjoys debriefing learners and observing their development of collaborative skills. Vanessa holds a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Oklahoma.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Studies indicate the majority of health professionals have a negative bias against patients in larger bodies. Bias directly contributes to negative health outcomes such as increased risk for cardiovascular disease compared to those not receiving any treatment at all. Interprofessional education provides a safe space for new health professionals to build awareness and practice skills to improve their future treatment and interactions with patients in larger bodies. This lightning talk will introduce the content of an interprofessional simulation including didactic and skill training to address…