Sophia Tsakraklides, PhD
Principal Research Associate
Dr. Sophia Tsakraklides is a research methodologist and evaluator with 20 years of experience in technical monitoring and research design. She has a strong background in qualitative research techniques, including interviewing and participant observation as well as in survey design.. She has designed and directed several evaluation studies, including, most recently, the evaluation of the Implementation Science Centers in Cancer Control (ISC3) Initiative of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). She has repeatedly worked with program stakeholders to solicit coordinated feedback and build consensus using Delphi methodologies. She co-leads Westat’s Health Equity Community of Practice.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Effective collaboration within and across multidisciplinary cancer care teams is essential for ensuring high-quality patient outcomes. Despite its importance, little was understood about the teamwork competencies necessary to coordinate cancer care within a multiteam system prior to our study. In our Lightning Talk, we will define the concept of a multiteam system and describe challenges inherent in navigating interdisciplinary collaboration and care coordination within the complex cancer care delivery system. We will describe our study methodology for identifying core teamwork competencies…