Guardian Pharmacy of Maine, University of New England 24'
Sarah recently received her Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of New England, with a focus on Wellness and Integrative Medicine. In addition to serving as a member of the Interprofessional Harm Reduction Team, while in school Sarah held many leadership and service-based roles on several executive boards and was a professional member of countless student-led organizations. This is apparent given the numerous clinical and nonclinical roles she has and plans to take on to help treat, care for and support underserved, stigmatized, and special populations. Sarah is currently a long-term care pharmacist with Guardian Pharmacy of Maine.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Harm reduction encompasses a myriad of practical strategies to minimize the negative outcomes of individuals who use drugs. This project aimed to achieve a multifaceted objective: promoting the successful reintegration and recovery of individuals exiting the Cumberland County Jail (CCJ) in Portland, Maine, while concurrently reducing the stigma surrounding substance use disorders. Additionally, the initiative aimed to equip CCJ Correctional Officers (COs) with the necessary resources to support this population. Leveraging grant resources and cultivating collaboration with community…