Raina Leckie, DSW, LCSW
University of Oklahoma
Raina Leckie is an Instructor in the Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work. She is currently the Chair of the Student Faculty Committee in the Interdisciplinary Student Council and is a past chair for the Executive Council of Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association (IEPA). Since learning about interprofessional teams as a student, Raina has been committed to sustaining and providing opportunities for students and faculty to learn and practice team-based care.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Sustainability of interprofessional education (IPE) requires a massive workforce commitment of small team facilitators to plan, deliver, and evaluate IPE learning activities. Utilizing learners as facilitators, IPE programs can leverage additional resources while providing a meaningful leadership opportunity for student-led programming. This seminar will present the 12 Tips for Developing Students as Interprofessional Education Facilitators. Collaborators from Louisiana State University Health New Orleans, University Health Network and Unity of Toronto, and the University of Oklahoma Health…
The Unity@Keys clinic was conceptualized to meet the nursing, rehabilitation, and social needs of people with an ongoing, chronic condition such as aphasia. To accomplish this, the founding team needed to reimagine the structure of the preexisting student-run clinics. Allied health disciplines require longer times for holistic evaluation and intervention, as well as extended time/frequency of visits for follow-up. The founding team focused on patients who could benefit from continued rehabilitation after neurological insult or injury with exhausted insurance resources. In a unique twist and…
Studies indicate the majority of health professionals have a negative bias against patients in larger bodies. Bias directly contributes to negative health outcomes such as increased risk for cardiovascular disease compared to those not receiving any treatment at all. Interprofessional education provides a safe space for new health professionals to build awareness and practice skills to improve their future treatment and interactions with patients in larger bodies. This lightning talk will introduce the content of an interprofessional simulation including didactic and skill training to address…