Radhika Aravamudhan, PhD., EdD., CCC-A., FAAA
Dean, Osborne College of Audiology
Salus University
Radhika Aravamudhan, PhD, EdD.,CCC-A, serves as the Dean for the Osborne College of Audiology, Salus University. She brings a wealth of experience in the field of Interprofessional Education (IPE) spanning over a decade. She is committed to advancing the field of IPE by serving as a mentor for early career faculty through her involvement with the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC). Her commitment to IPE is further demonstrated by her completion of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative Leadership program.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The New England College of Optometry (NECO) is a single-professional school in the process of formalizing an interprofessional education (IPE) program as part of the student curriculum. Barriers to implementation have included finding a partnership with other health professions, adding on activities to an already-full curriculum, establishing structural support, scheduling coursework with other schools and establishing faculty support. Various institutions were contacted for potential IPE partnership, but well-established IPE programs did not have room for a new school and profession with…