Kristina Stewart, MPH, DrPH(c)
Assistant Director for Public Health Practice and Assistant Clinical Professor
University of New England
Kristina Stewart, MPH, DrPH(c), Assistant Director for Public Health Practice and Assistant Clinical Professor at University of New England is an expert in infectious diseases and substance use disorders. Clinically she assisted patients facing opioid/substance use disorders alongside co-occurring conditions at MaineGeneral Medical Center. Her interests in biology, biochemistry foundation, MPH and graduate certificate in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety inform her advocacy and leadership in interprofessional education and practice. She is also a doctoral candidate in Public Health Practice. Beyond clinical work, she contributes to international public health efforts and addresses key determinants of health in rural communities.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Harm reduction encompasses a myriad of practical strategies to minimize the negative outcomes of individuals who use drugs. This project aimed to achieve a multifaceted objective: promoting the successful reintegration and recovery of individuals exiting the Cumberland County Jail (CCJ) in Portland, Maine, while concurrently reducing the stigma surrounding substance use disorders. Additionally, the initiative aimed to equip CCJ Correctional Officers (COs) with the necessary resources to support this population. Leveraging grant resources and cultivating collaboration with community…