Jennifer Lacy, DNP, APRN, GNP-BC, ANP-BC
Assistant Professor
Thomas Jefferson University
Jennifer Lacy, DNP, APRN, GNP-BC, ANP-BC, is an Assistant Professor at Jefferson College of Nursing at Thomas Jefferson University and an adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner. She is a faculty co-lead for TeamSAFE programming at Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, an interprofessional student program that enhances communication, leadership and patient safety skills in a simulated environment. Dr. Lacy earned her B.S.N and M.S.N from the University of Pennsylvania and her D.N.P from Temple University. Her recent scholarly activity has focused on the impact of interprofessional education in identifying and responding to microaggressions in a simulated clinical setting.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Background: Microaggressions are commonplace indignities that communicate negative slights or insults against a particular group of people. Microaggressions impede healthcare professionals’ effective interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP), which can have detrimental implications for patient outcomes.   IPCP microaggression training is proposed to facilitate structural change by mitigating implicit bias in healthcare. Existing educational frameworks aim to increase knowledge of microaggressions through lectures, problem-based learning, and discussions, but these approaches have…
During this session, members of the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) will present the work of Interprofessional. Global (IP.Global), discuss the intersection of (IP.Global) with AIHC, highlight aspects of the newly released Interprofessional.Global Winterthur - Doha Interprofessional Declaration and discuss ways we can be involved as a community. This session is hosted by the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative.