PharmD candidate
Wayne State University
Farah is a third year pharmacy student completing the PharmD program at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. She is interested in research and is inserted in practicing in specialty pharmacy setting. she is currntley on rotation at a large chain community pharmacy, and is enjoying her expeince. in the future, she is intrested in working as a preseptor and/ or teach.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: The Food and Drug Administration receives over 100,000 reports of medication errors each year1. This data is believed to be an underrepresentation of actual medication errors due to reluctance of health professionals to report errors2. Interprofessional education (IPE) offers a platform for medical and pharmacy students to collaborate, enhancing their ability to recognize, and report medication errors. The aim of this innovation is to assess the effectiveness of a single interprofessional education session focused on medication safety in improving the completion and accuracy of…