Emily Dos Santos, MS, LAT, ATC
Assistant Director - IPE
University of North Texas
Emily Dos Santos is the Assistant Director for The University of North Texas Health Science Center’s (UNTHSC) Department of Interprofessional Education and Practice. Emily earned a master’s degree in sport pedagogy and a bachelor’s degree in athletic training. Emily’s professional experience includes being the head athletic trainer in the high school setting and teaching high school science. Emily’s role within IPEP is developing and managing assessment and evaluation, data and metrics, and reporting program outcomes. Emily is responsible for preparation, dissemination, and publication of IPE data and outcomes; for program assessment and accreditation records, campus communications, conferences, and academic scholarship/journals.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Description: Often the focus of innovation and improvement in the field of IPE targets the student and patient/community experience, overlooking the enabling or inhibiting factors of the faculty and preceptors charged with building said cultures for interprofessional education and/or interprofessional collaborative practice. We are often reminded that professional development in IPE is necessary, but time is limited and there is no bureaucracy forcing the need. It doesn't have to be done, but this session implores that leaders make the time and space for interprofessional teams at their…
Background: A core belief of intervention (in this case, IPE interventions) is the importance of meeting students where they are; in order to do so, we have to know where they are. The aim of this study is to reveal the expectations for IPE during pre-professional education and training from the perspectives of five different health profession programs prior to the first IPE class.Design: Qualitative, thematic study of student responses to a reflection prompt within their first, pre-IPE-class, online module assignment. Students responded to the following prompts after gaining foundational…