Devra Dang, PharmD, CDCES, FNAP,
Clinical Professor
University of Connecticut
Devra Dang is a Clinical Professor at the UConn School of Pharmacy. She is a core faculty of the Urban Service Track, a curriculum consisting of students and faculty from six professions and two universities focused on developing future healthcare professionals dedicated to caring for urban, vulnerable populations and interprofessional teamwork. She is also a co-chair for UConn’s Committee on Interprofessional Excellence in Healthcare which consists of representation from 11 of UConn’s health profession programs. Dr. Dang’s teaching, practice, and scholarship passions are in the areas of interprofessional education, primary care, and care of urban and underserved populations.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Interprofessional, active learning has been associated with enhanced communication and improved clinical competency in health professions, but little is known about the use of this pedagogical technique as it applies to a collaboration among dietetics, pharmacy, and speech-language pathology students.A yearly, online synchronous workshop was developed for students from these three professions. Here we report the results of the 2024 workshop. All students were provided with the same clinical case and individually completed case discussion questions pertaining to each profession’s therapeutic…