Cara Sammartino, Ph.D, MSPH
Johnson & Wales University
Cara is a health services investigator with more than 9 years of professional experience in developing/analyzing program evaluation data, building analytical models, analyzing state legislation, and researching effective policy solutions. Cara’s research interests include public finance, econometrics, comparative state policy, and healthcare service utilization variation. She has formal training from Brown University in health services research, where her doctoral thesis examines linkage, retention in care, and clinical outcomes for transitional populations with HIV. Cara is a professor and program director within Johnson & Wales University’s Health Science department.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Since the early 2000s, there has been an increasing concern about medical errors, patient safety, and the quality of healthcare delivery in the U.S. This highlights the need for health professionals to work effectively in teams (NEXUSIPE 2023). Similarly, operational and reimbursement structures can affect collaboration and communication, leading to segregated healthcare provision (Slater & Cusick 2019). Occupational therapy (OT) services are underutilized due to a lack of understanding of the scope of practice and referral process by medical providers. To address this, a national survey…