Evaluations and Operations Intern
Audeaneh Saberi, MPH, served as SHEILD’s Evaluation and Operations intern. I completed my bachelors degree at the University of Colorado Boulder in Neurobiology and Psychology, followed by my masters degree at Boston University School of Public Health. Now I serve in the public health department for the city of San Fransisco.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
BackgroundThe School Health Institute for Education and Leadership Development (SHIELD) recently designed and implemented a racial equity professional development course for school nurses, with the aim of enhancing cultural competence in school nursing practice. The following is a description of the course design and an evaluation of its outcomes.Design/MethodologyAn interdisciplinary team of experts, from the fields of education, healthcare, social sciences, and policy, designed and delivered the course. The course incorporated content from the racial justice competency model (RJCM) and the…